Prior to every event, Supplementary Regulations are released, outlining the specific details for each event.
You can always find them here and in the calendar under each round.
They will also be emailed to the registered email address of each competitor prior to the race meeting.
Please also read the three new policies that are now in effect for the whole club.
You will need to complete a scrutineering form for every kart/driver combination entered prior to every round.
This form can be completed online or downloaded. If using the downloaded version, it should be filled in, scanned and emailed to the race secretary prior to the event.
The scrutineering form is easiest completed online.
Please Download the Protest / Appeals Form and keep a copy of it at the track. Please read the conditions below to remember what to do.
- Appeals will only be accepted in writing.
- Appeal must be lodged within 60min of race end or before next race begins.
- Drivers must provide their own forms as the club WILL NOT supply them.
- Protest fee must be cash only to appeal as no EFTPOS facilities are available for this purpose.
This Judgement of Fact Form is for officials use only.
For all members knowledge, there is also the documents below for easier access to the committee structure and roles, so if you need to contact a member you know who to talk to.